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Life Membership

Give the yourself or someone else a Life Long Membership in Pilots for Christ International, "Our Lord's Airforce".  Pilots and non-pilots alike can benefit and receive a blessing by taking the step to remain active in Pilots for Christ International for many years to come.  For a one time fee you can enjoy all the benefits of a Life Long Membership, for mission opportunities, chapter involvement and serving Our Lord Jesus and all the blessing that He sends.
Displaying products 1 - 2 of 2 results
Membership Life Regular
Price: $360.50
Membership Life Regular
Lifetime PCI Membership! The small $10.60 additional charge is to cover the cost of credit card use. You can still send us the normal fee of $350.00 by check or money order. Your Life membership will be processed upon receipt of check or money order.
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Membership Life Spouse
Price: $103.00
Membership Life Spouse
Add your spouse to a lifetime membership. Must be a life member to use this feature.
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